When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. – Psalm 56:3
Satan uses fear to distract us and pull us away from what God has called us to do. If we spend all of our energy and direct all of our focus and attention on our fears, worries, concerns and anxieties, we’re not able to live according to God’s purpose. When we are afraid, we should be turning to God and leaning into His Truth.
What are you most afraid of?
Dying? Losing a loved one? Getting sick or injured in a way that limits your abilities? Losing everything?
A man named Job lost almost everything, and certainly everything in the above list happened to him.
Fear does not come from God. Fear is actually a tactic that the enemy uses against us, and it’s a very effective tool. But it’s not as powerful as the secret weapon that God has given us to fight against the enemy – that is, prayer.
Day-to-day issues and concerns will be resolved in time, but through them, I must cling to God. The enemy wants to use these fears and concerns to pull us away from God, when in reality, those issues should send us running straight into the arms of our Heavenly Father.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
“Be strong in the Lord and the strength of his might.” – Ephesians 6:10
In her book “The Whole Armor of God,” Priscilla Shirer writes, “As long as you’re focused on what you can see with your physical eyes, he can continue to run rampant underneath the surface. The more you disregard him, the more damage he is free to do.”
Yes, when we cling to the fears that come our way, we are allowing the enemy to destroy us. Issue by issue, fear by fear. We must stand up to the enemy, we can no longer let fear grip us, and destroy us.
I even venture to say that when we allow fear to overtake us, and we act in fear, rather in faith, it is sin. Sin is, afterall, anything that separates us from God. How close are you to God when you allow yourself to be consumed by fear? So, rather than letting it overtake you, be more like David, who, in his scariest moments, called on God, saying in you only do I trust.
It’s okay if you have allowed sin to consume you, rather than turning to God – we are human, afterall, but we cannot stay there, in fear – we must turn to God, repent, and turn back toward Him, allowing Him to lead us out of fear and into faith.
I think about Daniel, who was thrown into the lion’s den. Fear told him he would be gnashed by their giant teeth and served up for their dinner that night, but rather than listening to the enemy, he turned to God and prayed. The next day, the prison guards were shocked to see that the lions had no interest in Daniel.
Or Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were sentenced to die in the fiery furnace, but because of their faith, they did not burn up or die. In fact, the scripture tells us that there was a fourth man in the fire – we all believe to be Jesus himself.
When we put our trust in God, it allows God to not only work in us and prove to us that He is faithful, but it is also a testimony to all those that are watching, to see how you’re going to fair, and if that God of yours will really pull through for you.
Whenever we are afraid, remember what God’s Word says.
- I am with you wherever you go.
- I go before you.
- I prepare the way for you.
- I will never leave you or forsake you.
- You are safe in the shadow of my wings.
- My name is a strong tower, and with in it, you are safe.
- Nothing surprises me.
- I am greater than the enemy.
- Nothing is impossible for me.
- There is no fear in love.
The best thing to do when fear grips you is to call on the Lord. Yes, pray. There is power in prayer more than we can ever comprehend. He hears all of our prayers and even the unspoken ones. So even when you are too scared to speak, he knows your heart, your thoughts.
Our secret weapon, yet the most powerful, against the enemy is prayer.
“Call on the name of the Lord.”
I’m reminded of that song,….. When I fight my battles, I fight on my knees. This is how the battle against enemy and fear is won. Let us not let fear overtake us, but instead, when we feel afraid, let’s drop to our knees and cry out to the only one who can save us.

What do you think?