Hi, my name is Jennifer.
Wife. I married the love of my life a little over 22 years ago. We were young and in love, and full of dreams of the future. It’s been a crazy ride, but I can tell you that I wouldn’t change a thing. I look forward to another 20 years because if the first 20 years is just a preview, the rest must be amazing.
Mom. 2 kids. 4 dogs. Lots of fish, 2 chameleons, a pig, turtles and a tortoise. Not all at once. Well, maybe – I think at one point, we had 3 dogs, a chameleon, and fish, and of course the kids. Now, it’s a tortoise and a bulldog, and two teenagers. I’m kind of dog crazy – ask my husband. Being a mom has been one of the hardest things, yet one of the most rewarding, that I’ve ever done.
Friend. I’m learning every single day to be a friend – to show myself friendly – because having friends is such a blessing. I prayed for years for a good friend and I’m so grateful for all the friends in my life today.
Writer. I’ve loved writing ever since I can remember. It’s just easy for me. In the past few years, I’ve finally stepped into my calling as a writer, using it to minister to others, and to encourage them to seek after God in their lives.
Speaker. Speaking is not my first love, but like Moses, I felt a strong calling to pursue it as another avenue to connect with others for God’s Kingdom!
Life Coach. Being able to help women overcome the binds that hold them back from chasing their dreams is one of the most life-giving things I can do as a servant of God.
Child of God. This is the most important title. Last but not least. It makes all the difference in all the others. I wouldn’t be able to do this life without God by my side. And I’m here in this place to share with you everything God has done for me and to tell you how he longs to do the same for you!