Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)
I truly believe that God is on the move in big ways with my writing. I don’t know yet what’s going to happen. I just keep writing and posting and submitting. I pray that God uses me for His glory and to allow others to draw closer to Him. Otherwise, what else am I doing this for?
Trust me, writing is not a lucrative career. I highly doubt my writing career will send me into retirement. No, I don’t do it for my glory – I do it for His.
Okay, so I’ve had a lot of clarity lately regarding directions. Not that I know exactly where I’m going, but I’m following the direction that the arrows are pointing, and I just feel like it’s the next right thing I should be doing in this moment.
So here’s what’s happening right now – I’m just so excited about this! Starting in the next couple days, I’ll be doing something each week for all of my subscribers! Each week, I’ll be sending out 7-day printable study guide that you can use as a daily guide to dig deeper into God’s word! The topic will be related to the topic of the newsletter for that week, respectively.
For example, this week, we are going to learn more about God’s goodness!
If you haven’t already subscribed to my newsletter, what are you waiting for???? Go sign up now!
So you need to do two things – sign up for my newsletter and keep a look out for the devotional in your inbox.

What do you think?