Jennifer is a licensed Go and Tell Gals Life Coach, Writer, and Speaker.

The Quiet Time Guide You Didn't Know You Needed

Consistently spending time reading the Bible and praying is essential to maturing in your faith. This guide gives you a map and a method for doing just that.

Join my Strengthening Your Quiet Time Substack

Join me for the month of July as we strengthen our quiet time together in my Quiet Time Workshop

For 31 days, we will journey together through my latest book, 31 Days to a Stronger Quiet Time (no purchase necessary). We will soak in the daily focus verse, share our insights, and grow together as a community of Kingdom-minded women. Click the link below to head over to my brand new Substack and subscribe!

This guide is for you if:

  • Your daily devotional routine has become mundane, boring, or lackluster.
  • You don’t have a consistent daily quiet time routine.
  • You find yourself longing for a deeper connection with God, but don’t know where to start.

Why is quiet time so important?


To build a stronger relationship with God.


To be better prepared for the trials of life.


To strengthen our faith.


To find comfort in the Scriptures and deepen our intimacy with God.

Make Your Quiet Time the Best Part of Your Day

It is my goal that by the end of 31 days, your quiet time routine will blossom and flourish, nourishing you through the richness of God’s Word each and every day.

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